Sonntag, 13. September 2009


Am Freitag hatte der erste meiner Studenten Schweinegrippe! Und es gibt eine richtige kleine Panik an der Uni - wir kriegen ständig E-Mails, dass man beim kleinsten Verdacht zu Hause bleiben soll und die Studenten nutzen das natürlich aus. Man muss noch nicht mal zum Arzt, sondern die Uniklinik verschickt E-Mails mit Attesten, weil die Praxen sonst überlaufen werden :D Außerdem gibt es überall - und nicht nur in der Uni, sondern auch in Supermärkten - Spender mit Desinfektionsmitteln. Wir haben sogar eine Flache mit Desinfektionsmittel für unser Büro gekriegt!

To: MU Faculty, Staff and Students

Re: Operating Guidelines for Employees in Response to Pandemic Flu

Novel H1N1 influenza (“swine flu”) is present at MU. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 30 to 50 percent of the population may be affected by the novel H1N1 flu. Please stay at home and do not come to work if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms. Make contact with your health care provider if you are ill.

Prevention (Hygiene and Cleaning):

Sanitize "high-touch" surfaces (doorknobs, elevator buttons, tables, counters)

Use good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (sneezing on shirt sleeve, elbow; frequent hand washing)

Determine your health status by:

Phoning your health care provider

Self-diagnosis based on symptoms
(fever of 100° or higher, body aches, cough, sore throat, etc.)

If you are pregnant or have chronic medical conditions, please contact your health care provider for recommendations. Such conditions include respiratory concerns (like asthma), heart problems, kidney, liver or blood disorders, diabetes, metabolic disorders, immune suppression caused by medications or HIV, or other medical conditions that may require long-term aspirin therapy


Communicate with your health care provider to assure proper care is being followed

Communicate with your supervisor or department head for all days that you plan to be absent from work

Make sure your contact information in MyHR is current


Employee responsibilities

Self-isolation: If you have flu-like illness symptoms, you should stay at home or isolate yourself as much as possible

Pain and fever should be managed by taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen

Do not return to work until 24 hours after you no longer have a fever (100°F or 38°C) or other flu symptoms without fever-reducing medications

MU Health Care employees have specific instructions for returning to work after the flu. Please go to the website at


Staff employees may use sick leave, vacation or personal days for all days absent from work

The 12-day limit on the use of family sick leave will be lifted to allow for absences to care for ill family members

Employees without paid time off can use leave without pay if they are ill or must care for a sick family member

More information, including steps you can take to prevent the spread of influenza, can be found at MU Alert and


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